Sponsored by Institute for Biblical Authority & Crosspoint Community Church
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Creation as an Evangelism Tool
Apr 28, 2024 • Bruce Malone
Is the Earth Old?
Apr 28, 2024 • Michael Oard
What Happened to the Dinosaurs?
Apr 28, 2024 • Michael Oard
The Awe of God
Apr 28, 2024 • Bruce Malone
Brilliant: Made in the Image of God – Male & Female
Apr 27, 2024 • Bruce Malone
Ice Age – Biblical Worldview
Apr 27, 2024 • Michael Oard
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You can also find us on youtube
~ Thursday April 25th ~
DNA & Origin of Life - Dr. Kevin Horton, Institute for Biblical Authority (IBA)
~ Friday April 26th ~
Can Genesis 1-11 be Taken Literally: Does it really matter? - Michael Oard
Matter of Time - Bruce Malone, Search for the Truth Ministries
Matter of Time - Bruce Malone, Search for the Truth Ministries
~ Saturday April 27th ~
~ Morning Sessions ~
Culture Gone Mad - Dr. Kevin Horton, IBA
Worldwide Evidence for Noah’s Flood - Michael Oard
Blind to the Obvious - Bruce Malone, Search for the Truth Ministries
Worldwide Evidence for Noah’s Flood - Michael Oard
Blind to the Obvious - Bruce Malone, Search for the Truth Ministries
~ Afternoon Sessions ~
Aerial Videography Evidence of the Lake Missoula & Genesis Floods – Dr. Kevin Horton, IBA
Ice Age – Biblical Worldview – Michael Oard
Brilliant: Made in the Image of God – Male & Female – Bruce Malone, Search for Truth Ministries
Ice Age – Biblical Worldview – Michael Oard
Brilliant: Made in the Image of God – Male & Female – Bruce Malone, Search for Truth Ministries
~ Sunday April 28th ~
~ Morning Sessions ~
Church Service at Crosspoint Church:
The Awe of God – Bruce Malone, Search for Truth Ministries
Church Service at Lolo Community Church:
What Happened to the Dinosaurs? – Michael Oard
The Awe of God – Bruce Malone, Search for Truth Ministries
Church Service at Lolo Community Church:
What Happened to the Dinosaurs? – Michael Oard
~ Evening Sessions ~
Is the Earth Old – Michael Oard
Creation as an Evangelism Tool – Bruce Malone, Search for the Truth Ministries
Creation as an Evangelism Tool – Bruce Malone, Search for the Truth Ministries
Sponsored by Institute for Biblical Authority – Hosted by Crosspoint Community Church
Donations welcome, make checks out to Institute for Biblical Authority or donate here
Donations welcome, make checks out to Institute for Biblical Authority or donate here
Bruce Malone - President and Founder of Search for the Truth Ministries, Midland, MI
Bruce has 27 years’ experience as Research Leader with the Dow Chemical Corporation but left in 2008 to act as full time Executive Director of Search for the Truth Ministries with the vision of “Awakening Hearts and Minds to Biblical Truth”. This organization widely distributes Bible-affirming creation materials to students and prisoners – giving away over 500,000 books in the last 10 years. Bruce has a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati and holds 17 patents for new products.
Bruce Malone has spent the last 30 years bringing the scientific evidence for creation to churches and schools at seminars throughout the United States and 18 foreign countries. He has also authored eight books on the evidence for creation with over 700,000 copies in print; produced an 18 part video creation curriculum; served as adjunct speaker for the Institute for Creation Research; is an associate member of the Logos Research Associates; and is a commissioned worldview speaker under Chuck Colson’s Centurion program. Search for the Truth ministries has presented over 300 science assemblies in public high schools of 6 different nations and given 150,000 books on the evidence for creation to these students, ending each assembly with the Gospel message, many times to students who have never heard the Good News. Bruce speaks over 100 tmes a year on the scientific evidence supporting creation at schools and churches around the world.
Bruce and his wife Robin have been married for 40 years and have four grown children and seven grandchildren. They reside in Midland, Michigan.
Bruce Malone has spent the last 30 years bringing the scientific evidence for creation to churches and schools at seminars throughout the United States and 18 foreign countries. He has also authored eight books on the evidence for creation with over 700,000 copies in print; produced an 18 part video creation curriculum; served as adjunct speaker for the Institute for Creation Research; is an associate member of the Logos Research Associates; and is a commissioned worldview speaker under Chuck Colson’s Centurion program. Search for the Truth ministries has presented over 300 science assemblies in public high schools of 6 different nations and given 150,000 books on the evidence for creation to these students, ending each assembly with the Gospel message, many times to students who have never heard the Good News. Bruce speaks over 100 tmes a year on the scientific evidence supporting creation at schools and churches around the world.
Bruce and his wife Robin have been married for 40 years and have four grown children and seven grandchildren. They reside in Midland, Michigan.
Michael Oard - MS Atmospheric Science
After two years in the U.S. Navy, Michael Oard earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in atmospheric science from the University of Washington. He was a research meteorologist for six years at the University of Washington and has published several research articles in journals and technical monographs of the
American Meteorological Society. Mr. Oard later joined the National Weather Service as a weather forecaster. He retired in 2001 after 30 years of service and does full time research, writing, and speaking in creationist earth science.
After becoming a creationist in the mid-1970s, Michael realized there was a lot of research needed in the earth sciences. To fill this gap, he has since spent almost 40 years studying geology, geophysics, glaciology, and paleoclimatology. Mr. Oard has published about 200 articles in the creationist in-depth literature, especially the Journal of Creation and the Creation Research Society Quarterly. He has also authored, coauthored, or been editor of seventeen creationist books on the Flood, the Ice Age, weather, dinosaurs, and geology. He is on the board of the Creation Research Society and is an adjunct speaker for Creation Ministries International.
Michael is married to Beverly, and they have four grown children with ten grandchildren. Michael and Beverly live in Bozeman, Montana, USA.
American Meteorological Society. Mr. Oard later joined the National Weather Service as a weather forecaster. He retired in 2001 after 30 years of service and does full time research, writing, and speaking in creationist earth science.
After becoming a creationist in the mid-1970s, Michael realized there was a lot of research needed in the earth sciences. To fill this gap, he has since spent almost 40 years studying geology, geophysics, glaciology, and paleoclimatology. Mr. Oard has published about 200 articles in the creationist in-depth literature, especially the Journal of Creation and the Creation Research Society Quarterly. He has also authored, coauthored, or been editor of seventeen creationist books on the Flood, the Ice Age, weather, dinosaurs, and geology. He is on the board of the Creation Research Society and is an adjunct speaker for Creation Ministries International.
Michael is married to Beverly, and they have four grown children with ten grandchildren. Michael and Beverly live in Bozeman, Montana, USA.
Dr. Kevin Horton - BA, DVM, MDiv - Director of IBA
Dr. Horton holds a B. A. in biology from Dickinson State College (University) in Dickinson, North Dakota. He earned a doctorate in veterinary medicine from Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa and a Masters of Divinity from Moody Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Horton practiced veterinary medicine on both large and small animals in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana for 20 years. During the last five years of veterinary practice he answered God’s call to church leadership and established two churches in the Valley. He has been serving Crossroads Christian Fellowship of Victor, MT as senior pastor for 20 years. He will begin full-time as director of IBA in the spring of 2018.

Taking Back Lost Ground from the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial
BY Bruce Malone, Michael Oard and KEVIN HORTON
Come prepared to be trained to take back lost territory from the evolutionary forces that hold our culture captive. Discover the truth about how real science confirms the Bible and Jesus is the Creator. Equip your family and youth with answers to defend the Faith.
Sponsored by Institute for Biblical Authority – Hosted by Crosspoint Community Church
Donations welcome, make checks out to Institute for Biblical Authority or donate here
Donations welcome, make checks out to Institute for Biblical Authority or donate here